Sunday, November 7, 2010

Food travels coming to an end...

Well I sit here in the Atlanta airport waiting for a flight home. This has been a worldwind 10 days - eating my way accross the country and playing hardball at the same time. Does life get any better than that? It will when I touch down in SLC and see my family.

Starting at Brennan and Carr last Friday, I was brought to some really cool food and now I have some awesome idea's going forward. Thanks again to Ed Sullivan for showing me around the restaurant. I will wear my B&C shirt proudly.

Thanks to all the boy's at L&B Spumoni Gardens for the quick lesson in the art of making a fresh sauce Sicilian Pizza. It was so good and I will try it back home.

Thanks to the crew at Michelangelo's in Eastport NY. I grew up eating pizza there every day of high school. The linguini with white wine sauce and clams was just as I remember it.

And thanks to Ted, Linda, Teri, Janet, Laura, Patti, Kevin, Donna and the gang for helping me remember how fun HS really was. The Triangle looks the same as it did in 1982 I am sure. And yes....I still don't drink! LOL

Thanks to John at EHS, the old one. You are a stud and I will never forget what you did for me. Christrmas will be incredible this year.

Kent and Ted, breakfast was very good at that little corner spot in Riverhead. Until next time.

Evie, my sister, awesome hooking up once again and meeting your wonderful family. The Chicken Marsala pizza was to die for. The Cannoli......well lets just say spot on. You Rock!

The Cuban in Florida, The Ribs last night. Wow, I love food.
Thanks to the Brew Crew for a fun week of baseball. And yes I am an awful scout!
And finally, thanks to Adam Richman, my soul buddy who does not even know who I am. Thanks for a great show. Keep it it.


Carrie gandolph said...

And most of all, thanks to my beautiful wife who let me run away and play baseball for 10 DAYS!!!!

Rocco Gandolfo said...

thank you sweetie!

Anonymous said...

and to my wonderfully faithful proofreader who at least finds most of the oops