Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tomato Fresh Mozzarella Salad

Carrie and I found ourselves home alone for lunch today. She was working on the compter getting ready for her first day of school (UVU) since Ronald Reagan was president. I was hungry and wanted to go out and get some real food. We decided that the best course of action was Craigery making some lunch.

I had some spinach asiago sausage that I bought at Costco last week and made some quick sammy's. We had hoagie rolls so I buttered 'em, garlic'd 'em, and grilled 'em. Next I cooked the sausage and split them to create an absolute gem of a sammy - even topped it off with leftover cotija cheese from last night.

I wanted a salad to go with it. I am a tomato freak. Seriously, I love everything tomato. There are so many plants in my back yard that Carrie made me take some out. So, I diced up some tomato, cubed up some fresh (in the water tub) mozzarella, rough cut some fresh spinach and threw it all in a large bowl. Generous salt followed with some black pepper. I then added some extra virgin olive oil and a dash of balsamic vinegar. Toss that mix together, put it on the plate right next to the grilled sausage creation and call it....Amazing!"

Pulled Pork Tostada's and Pork And Eggs

Posted some quick frozen dinner idea's last week and mentioned cooking a pork roast ahead of time and freezing it. I actually did this Saturday and we had some awesome Pork Barbacoa salads. The recipe for that is on the blog in the archives.

Remember, use everything you have on hand to create ideas that will become part of your family food memories. Last night I had some leftover pork and wanted to do something simple. I decided on tostadas. I had corn tortilla's in the fridge, so I fried them in vegetable oil (350 degrees) until almost crisp, heated up some refried beans and this is the recipe....
Pulled Pork Tostadas

Corn Tortillas (as many as you need)
1 can refried beans heated
1/2 lb Cotija cheese (Mexican cheese found just about anywhere) pronouced "Cote-E-Haa"
Leftover pulled pork
Chopped lettuce
Diced tomato
Sour cream
Fry tortillas in oil; set on paper towel to soak up excess oil. Heat beans and spread on tortilla. Add lettuce, pork, sour cream and tomato. Sprinkle with cheese and add salsa if you like.

This is so quick and easy and I promise you they will all be gobbled up.

This morning I sent my two youngest off to school when "Hot Breakfrast" was ordered and I was in a hurry. I simply created something I will definitely make again
Breakfast Eggs and Pork

For each individual plate...
2 eggs
pulled pork, heated
cheddar cheese

Fry or scramble the eggs (I like mine fried and yolks runny), cover with shredded pork, sprinkle with cheese and top with salsa. Quick, easy and delicious!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Idea's For Quick Freezer Meals

My sister Jan asked me to post some idea's for Freezer meals - something you could pull out of the ice box, heat and eat. Many would think casserole here, but I have a different train of thought.

For my restaurant, I shop a lot at warehouse stores like Sam's Club and Costco. I know pretty much every food item offered by both and who has the better deal, etc. Sometimes when shopping for food for the house, we tend to buy items in such bulk that we have to freeze some of it or watch it spoil in the fridge.

The price per pound on these items is often so ridiculously lower than your local grocery store, it makes sense to buy in bulk. Here are some creative ideas that should help save this food:


1. Cook the meat when you first bring it home. Sam's club has their own brand of boneless skinless chicken breast that is usually priced at $1.97 lb. That is actually quite inexpensive and the chicken is of very high quality as well.
2. Take the chicken, divide it in half, boil one half in salted water until just about finished, throw it in two ziplock bags and freeze.
3. Fillet the rest of the chicken and sauté in a pan with olive oil.
4. When cooked, remove from pan and cut into 1/2 inch strips. Divide into two more ziplock bags and freeze.

The boiled chicken can be used for anything that calls for chicken: chicken salad, chicken fettuccini, chicken breast sandwiches, a casserole, etc. The nice part is that the chicken has already been put into one meal portions.

The sautéed chicken can be defrosted in the microwave and thrown back into a frying pan for 5 minutes with whatever flavoring you want: teriyaki, fajita, Hawaiin, BBQ, sweet & sour, etc. Serve over minute rice or noodles and you have a quick and easy meal in 20 minutes.

Ground hamburger is a staple in any kitchen. If bought and frozen fresh in the original package, you have defrost it all to use it. Refreezing meat is a No-No. Instead, divide the beef into as many meal portion sizes you prefer.

If its for hamburgers-mix in your seasonings, preform the patties, divide with wax paper bag and put into freezer bags or containers. Since cooking hamburgers on the grill from a frozen state is preferred by many, keep them raw so they are juicy later.

For meatballs-I season, roll and cook my meatballs first then freeze them after they cool down. This way anytime you serve pasta, take out as many meatballs as you need and in three minutes you have delicious meatballs.

Time for taco's-Carrie had the idea years ago because of our son Carter's Celiacs. Carter cannot eat any gluten or wheat products, so Mexican food, including taco's are some of his favorite meals. Take a pound or so of beef, fry it up with the taco seasoning and then divide it into individual ziplocks and freeze. The kids come home from school, take out one bag and two taco shells, some lettuce, tomato and cheese and they've got fresh homemade taco's to go.

Meatloaf-form, cook and slice a meatloaf. Put slices on a baking sheet and freeze overnight (this prevents slices from freezing together); place the frozen slices in zip-locks according to the quantity you want.

Other ideas-frozen cooked ground beef can be added to pasta sauce to make a great meat sauce. Be creative.

Take a pork roast, slow cook with seasoning for 10 hours, shred, divide and freeze. The pulled pork burrito on this blog is a cinch if you just have to defrost the meat. A pulled pork salad is awesome as well.

Anytime you can pull a pre-cooked item out of the freezer and make a great meal in 20 minutes or less, you have a winner.

Hope this helps.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Breakfast Potato and Eggs

Inspired by my 2 young sons, this is a breakfast we make a lot of and save some for the rest of the day. If you want to make this really fast, have the potatoes cooked the day before and add them at the end.

6 medium potatoes, diced
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 stick butter
1 Tbsp seasoning salt
12 eggs
1 cup fresh spinach leaves, chopped
1/2 cup shredded parmesean cheese
salt and pepper to taste
5 sausage patties
1/2 cup milk

1. Boil potatoes and drain.
2. In large frying pan, heat olive oil and butter.
3. Add sausage patties and cook on both sides. Remove sausage and set aside.
4. Add cooked potatoes to frying pan, (Do not drain oil, butter or sausage fat). Cook potatoes in liquid for about 5 minutes. Potatoes will soak up liquid.
5. In a separate frying pan, scramble up all 12 eggs and add salt and pepper. When eggs are halfway done, add milk and cook until done. Add spinach and parmesean cheese; fold in until cheese is melted.
6. Cut sausage patties into 1/2 inch pieces and add sausage and eggs to potaoes. The flavor of the cheese and spinach along with the sausage makes the potatoes pop. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"What's in your cupboard" pasta sauce

This is a very quick and easy-to-make pasta sauce that was created about an hour ago on the fly in my kitchen. I was hungry and wanted pasta. That usually ends in a good way with a messy kitchen. I used whole wheat linguini since it is more robust and hearty and just plain better for you. Enjoy! Gandy

1 jar of whatever brand of generic pasta sauce you have on hand.
1 16 oz can diced tomatoes with juice
1/8 cup Italian seasoning
1 tsp salt
1 tsp granulated garlic
1 tsp granulated onion
4 large frozen raw hamburgers (Fresh ground beef will do fine, I had burgers!)
1/2 cup olive oil
1 Tbsp minced garlic (In my fridge always. Use this every day!)
1/8 cup marsala wine
1/8 cup sherry wine

1. In a sauce pot, combine pasta sauce and diced tomatoes with salt and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring often.
2. Place frozen burgers on a plate and cook for 2-3 minutes until thawed, make sure they are still raw, do not cook in micowave.
3. In a frying pan, (cast iron works well) heat olive oil and minced garlic for 2 minutes. Add raw hamburgers and with wooden spoons break apart into small pieces. Heat this mixture until meat is just about cooked all the way through.
4. Add wines and cook for a minimum of three minutes to burn off any alcohol. (The simmering stage will finish the process).
5. Add meat mixture to sauce and throw in the Italian seasoning, granulated garlic and onion. Simmer this mix for 10 minutes. Best way to guage this is to add your pasta to boiling salted water right as you start your simmer. This way both are ready to serve at the same time. Stir your simmering sauce the entire time and do not let it stick to the bottom of the pot.

                          Here is some info on cooking with wine if you were wondering.....
A lot of people ask me if cooking with wine is OK for the LDS cook. We often hear how the alcohol "burns" off during the cooking process. I wanted to make sure that was true. There is no substiture for "marsala or sherry" in chicken marsala. The flavor profile you get is un-paralelled. Here is what I found:

James Peterson, a cookbook writer who studied chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley, stated in his encyclopedic cookbook called Sauces:

Question: When you use alcohol in cooking a dish, how long does it take for alcohol to burn off? Is the time the same for all forms of alcohol? - Jim S (4/1/05)

Answer: You need to cook a sauce for at least 20 to 30 seconds after adding wine to it to allow the alcohol to evaporate. Since alcohol evaporates at 172°F (78°C), any sauce or stew that is simmering or boiling is certainly hot enough to evaporate the alcohol. Be careful if you are using alcohol in something cold like a sorbet. The alcohol content stay's at 100%. Companies like Jack Daniels put their whiskey in all sorts of things like BBQ sauce, potato chips, even mustard! They do this by cooking off the alcohol first, then cooling the product before bottling.

Nice thing about cooking with a wine is that it also tenderizes the meat. Plus, the gravy you can make from a chicken or steak marsala reduction is quite frankly heavenly. Anyone interested in some recipes like this please comment below. Craig

I promise you no one will know you made this in less than 30 minutes. And you will be chef "BOY OH BOY" YUM!

Simple Summer Potato Salad

I love making salads in the summer and this is one of my favorites. I am not a big sweet relish fan so I make my own relish the simple way. Enjoy!

12 red potatoes skin on, chopped into 3/4 inch cubes
1 whole dill pickle cut into spears
1 1/2 cups mayo
1/4 cup Guldens spicy brown mustard
2 Tbsp Schilling Sala Supreme
1 Tbsp salt
2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp granulated garlic

Cook and drain potatoes. Blend the pickle spears until you have relish. Place potatoes in large bowl and add relish, salt, pepper, garlic, salad supreme and mix well. Leaving the potatoes hot makes everything soak in and the end result is perfect. Let this mixture sit for 10 minutes. In a small bowl mix mayo and mustard and then add to potatoes and hand mix all ingredients together. Serve immediately. YUM!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Italian Chicken Feta Ziti

This is a salad recipe that will knock your socks off! The dressing is a Gandy original that can also be used on any green salad. Enjoy

1 lb ziti pasta
2 cups fresh spinach leaves, rough chopped
2 Roma tomatoes, seeds removed, sliced in 1/2 inch slivers
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

Cook ziti, cool and drain. Put in large bowl, add Feta, spinach and tomato slivers.

In food processor or blender mix the following until smooth:

1/2 medium red onion chopped, 1/4 cup feta cheese, 1 1/2 cups mayo, 3/4 cup red vinegar, 1 Tbsp granulated garlic, 1/2 cup Italian seasoning, 1 Tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp black pepper.

Blend mix in a bowl with pasta, spinach, feta, and tomato....chill and serve. YUM!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

As Promised - Pineapple Shrimp Salad

Here is a great recipe for a salad that you will want to make again and again. The inspiration for this came the day after my daughter Callie made shrimp taco's for dinner. I had all of this leftover food and hunger set in. Enjoy...

2 cups minute rice
2 cups pineapple juice
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
2 heads of Romaine lettuce chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
50-60 medium sized RAW shrimp
4 Tbsp honey
2 cans whole black beans
16 oz frozen corn
1 pineapple
1 cup brown sugar
1 mango
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup shredded Mexican coita cheese
1 bag tortilla chips or strips

1. Cook rice with pineapple juice instead of water. When finished add cilantro; set aside.
2. Cook corn in boiling water for 5 minutes, drain and remove from heat; set aside.
3. Put 4 Tbsp olive oil in frying pan, throw in shrimp, add honey and cook over medium heat until pink. 4. Add the cooked corn and mix well; set aside.
5. Slice skin off pineapple. Cut in half from top to bottom, then take out center core. Slice top to bottom in twelve columns. Roll in brown sugar and throw on a hot grill for 5 minutes until done. Turn the pineapple over several times during cooking.

In each individual salad bowl, start by spooning in some rice. Follow that with the heated beans. Throw a lot of lettuce on top of that and then spoon on the shrimp/corn mixture. Follow that with cheddar and then coita cheese. Top it off with diced tomato, diced mango, tortilla strips and cilantro dressing (recipe below) YUM!

Cilantro dressing...
6 tomatillo, peeled and quartered
1 bunch cilantro, rough chopped
2 avocado, in chunks
1 Tbsp mincd garlic
1/2 red onion, rough chopped

Mix all in food processor or blender until no chunks left.
Add in 3/4 cup ranch dressing mix well.